Payments in seconds

Let money flow in real time, transforming the pace of financial exchanges from hour or days to seconds

Innovation unleashed

Tap into new markets and opportunities with a system built for modern banking and user needs

Full integration

Develop a platform that brings together financial institutions, broadening your service reach and capabilities to everyone

Real Time Payments

RTP by

The building blocks of RTP


To set the rules of your RTP
Define the core regulations of your real-time payment system. Ensure secure, compliant, and efficient transaction processing with our technology


Integration of any financial institution
Bridge facilitates the integration with your RTP system, promoting a universally accessible and inclusive payment network through technological compatibility


The tool for ops
Studio delivers essential tools for real-time monitoring, analytics, and troubleshooting to ensure your financial institutions and users receive continuous, reliable data and support

Alias Directory

Enhance the UX to send transactions
An extra module that replaces complex banking details with simple identifiers like phone numbers, enhancing user experience by making payments as easy as sending a message
RTP by

TransfiYa, one of the fastest growing, interoperable real time payment systems in Latam

+100M P2P transactions per year

+22 Financial institutions connected

Reducing the gap between users and commerce with B2P & P2B use cases

Start building your RTP system using Ledger

Let’s talk about building your RTP system or explore and play with our documentation

Drop your info and we will talk soon!

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